This feature uses an obscure aspect of the C language to simplify the specification of message level or priority.
这个特性使用了 C 语言的一种模糊方面来简化消息级别和优先级的规范。
To make one executable look like many executables, BusyBox exploits a seldom-used feature of argument passing to the main C function. Recall that the C main function is defined as follows
为了让一个可执行程序看起来就像是很多可执行程序一样,BusyBox 为传递给 C 的 main 函数的参数开发了一个很少使用的特性。
The features proposed in TR1 will most likely be included in the C++ standard, and their first implementation is found in the Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack. Some of the features implemented are
TR1是被提议添加到ISO 2003 C++标准中的一组特性,这些特性极有可能成为C++的标准,现在这个Visual C++ 2008的特性包中就含它的第一个实现版本。
We introduced a feature of C called a constant, but how many quizzes did I assume every student has?